tisdag 23 oktober 2012

Rainbows! :)

Hi guys! :D
Here is my rainbow nails. :3 they do match the weather very well! It's raining , so me and my bestie (don't like the word thought.. :P) are at a cafe getting warmer! :)
See you! <3
//sNailer ;D

onsdag 26 september 2012

OMG another post!? :P

BTW; if someone want me to I'll post a pic of my "Autumn nails" tomorrow! :D
Sleep tight!
PERFECT BOYS!! <33 vvv

French manicure nails..?

Hi everybody!
I should really be sleeping right now, but I can't. My irritating brother is in my room nagging all the time.. >:I
Here are some nails that I made today! I'll call them "French tip thingy" xD Great name, huh?
Oh, and sometimes on my pics there's a text: "@nailartforfun"
That is because I post all my photos (and more!) on Instagram too. :)
Hugs to whoever is reading this!
//sNailer <3
PS: You'll get a free waffle if you comment! ;)

måndag 17 september 2012

Rasta nails! :)

Hi everyone! :)
Today I'm ill and at home, and I'm really bored! So I think I'm going to do my nails later.. ;P
Until that - here's a pic of my "Rasta nails", that I actually reallly like! It's not a very good pic, sorry! ;)
I have trial for it - do you wanna see it? :D
See yo, man! ;)

söndag 16 september 2012

Picasso nails :)

Hi everybody! :D
Here's a trial to my "Picasso nails"! :)

1.) Paint your nails blue and LET DRY
2.) Put a piece of tape on your nail, with a corner at the tip
3.) Put some glittery nail polish above the tape
4.) Take off the tape (yes I failed a bit.. x) )
5.) Put a thin line of pink polish between the blue and glittery one. I used my favourite tool, the toothpick, and it worked great! :)

Hope you liked it! If you have questions: ASK! :D
See you!

tisdag 11 september 2012

Cow nails :D

Hi guys! :)
Here is a really simple trial to the "cow nails". :)
1) Paint your nails white
2) Do the nose. It's kind of like the top of a heart, in pink
3) Paint the cows pattern, in black. I did them abstract, and different on each nail, but you can do a specific design on all of them if you want! :3
4) Do the eyes and the nostrils
I used a toothpick to do the black details, but if you have a "dot tool" (lol, don't know what it's called) you can use that too! :)
I hope you like them! If you did, please comment! Especially since I should be doing homework now... :P
//sNailer :) <3

söndag 2 september 2012

Hi guys! :)

Hi everybody! :D
I really hope someone is reading this! I'm Disa but I'll sign my tweets with "sNailer". ;)
I LOVE doing my nails and I will upload pictures, trials and tips.
I'll REALLY appreciate comments and thoughts! :)
See ya! ;) <3